Counter Culture Coffee Coffee Whole Bean Forty-Six 6/24 OZ [UNFI #2775534] [ebt]


DESCRIPTION: Tasting Notes: Dark chocolate; sweet; full-bodied. USDA Organic. Certified Organic by CCOF. Since 1995, Counter Culture has relentlessly pursued coffee perfection through a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. We don't just find good coffee; we put in the work and commitment it takes to develop great coffees. As lifelong students of coffee, we are passionate about exchanging knowledge with our customers, partners, and peers. Learn what coffees are in peak season by checking out the components of this blend here. For Forty-Six, we celebrate dark roasts by selecting some of our best certified organic coffees and roasting them to create a profile that is sweet, clean, smoky, and nuanced. This coffee was originally recipe no. 46, hence the name. Coffee driven. 1995. Certified B Corporation. 80% APU, Peru. 15% Guji Natural, Ethiopia. 5% Malabu, Ethiopia.